Problem-Definition. Assume you have a sufficient long integer interval $I=[0,n]$ and a set $Z$ that consists of tuples $(x,s(x))$, with $x \in_R I$ and $s(x) = \mathsf{sign}(\sin(2x\pi/p))$. Formulated in words, the set $Z$ contains the randomly distributed integers from $I$ enriched with the information if a certain (but fixed) sinus wave travels above or below that point (i.e., the sign value). Find the secret parameter $p$.
# Heuristic argument #
It can be heuristically proved, that even as few as $m =\log p$ points should be enough to find a unique value for $p$. Imagine a random sine wave that is plotted along the interval $I$. Since the points $x_i$ are randomly chosen from $I$, the chance that a point $x_i$ is traversed by the sine wave equal to its assigned sign value is $1/2$. Hence, the chances that a random curves traverses all $m$ points correct is $(1/2)^m$.But it seems one can not do better than $\mathcal{O}(p)$, that is exponential in $m$.
The described problem to learn the sine-wave, e.g., its parameter $p$, has relationships for example to Integer Factoring or to the Approximation GCD-Problem (e.g., can be used to attack the homomorphic encryption scheme of Dijk et al. [1])
Next, i will describe one of my approaches and what seems to be the limitations of this approach.
# Approach 1 #
In our case, an easy case is when the elements of $Z$ are not randomly chosen, but are of the form $x_i = 2x_{i-1}$. In that case, we get a $\mathcal{O}(\log^2 p)$ algorithm that returns $p$.
The algorithm in this case is as follows: Assume that we have the set $$Z = \{(x_1,s(x_1)),(x_2,s(x_2)),...,(x_m,s(x_m))\}$$ with $x_i = 2x_{i-1}$. The sign value gives us the information if the residue $r_j$ from $r_j \equiv x_i \pmod{p}$ (we denote $r_j$ in the following with $[x_i]$) is:
- less than $p/2$, i.e., $0 \leq r_j \leq p$, if $s(x_i) = 1$
- larger than $p/2$, i.e., $p/2 \leq r_j < p$, if $s(x_i) = -1$.
- $[x_m] > p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 0\pmod{2}$, $\Rightarrow$ $[x_{m-1}] < p/2$ and $[x_{m-1}] = [x_m]/2$
- $[x_m] > p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 1\pmod{2}$, $\Rightarrow$ $[x_{m-1}] > p/2$ and $[x_{m-1}] = ([x_m]+p)/2$
- $[x_m] < p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 0\pmod{2}$, $\Rightarrow$ $[x_{m-1}] < p/2$ and $[x_{m-1}] = [x_m]/2$
- $[x_m] < p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 1\pmod{2}$, $\Rightarrow$ $[x_{m-1}] > p/2$ and $[x_{m-1}] = ([x_m]+p)/2$
This information, repeated $m$-times, allows to get $p$ for $m = \log^2 p$. Here is a little example:
We have $$Z = \{(26,1),(52,1),(104,1),(208,-1),(416,-1),(832,-1),(1664,1),(3328,1) \}$$ We start with $$ 0 \leq [x_m] = [3328] < p/2$$ It is $0 < [x_{m-1}] = [1664] < p/2$ since its sign-value is positive. So we know that $$ 0 \leq [3228]/2 = [1664] < p/4$$ The next sign-value is negative, hence we have to add $p$ and then divide by $2$: $$ p/2 \leq [3228]/4+p/2 = [832] < p/2 + p/8$$ The next sign-value is again negative, hence $$ p/2+p/4 \leq [3228]/8+p/4+p/2 = [416] < p/2 + p/4 + p/16$$ and again $$ p/2+p/4+p/8 \leq [3228]/16+p/8+p/4+p/2 = [208] < p/2 + p/4 + p/8 + p/32$$ The next three sign-values are positive, which are always simple divisions by $2$:
$$ \frac{p}{16}+\frac{p}{32}+\frac{p}{64} \leq \frac{[3228]}{128}+\frac{p}{64}+\frac{p}{32}+\frac{p}{16} = [26] < \frac{p}{16} + \frac{p}{32} + \frac{p}{64} + \frac{p}{256}$$
Next, we divide by $p$: $$ \frac{1}{16}+\frac{1}{32}+\frac{1}{64} \leq \frac{[3228]}{128p}+\frac{1}{64}+\frac{1}{32}+\frac{1}{16} = \frac{[26]}{p} < \frac{1}{16} + \frac{1}{32} + \frac{1}{64} + \frac{1}{256}$$ Finally, we have $$ \frac{1}{16}+\frac{1}{32}+\frac{1}{64} \leq \frac{[26]}{p} < \frac{1}{16} + \frac{1}{32} + \frac{1}{64} + \frac{1}{256}$$ which is equal to $$\frac{[26]}{p} - \frac{7}{64} < \frac{29}{256}$$
If we have $m=\log^2(p)$ points, we could use the famous approximation result that if $$\left| k - \frac{p}{q}\right| < \frac{1}{2q^2}$$ holds, one can find $p/q$ among the, only polynomial many, fractional convergents of the fraction $k$. See for example Wiener's Attack on the RSA cryptosystem.
Tripled points. What goes wrong in the case $x_i = 3x_{i-1}$? Why exactly does the previous algorithm fail and could it be fixed?
Lets look what happens to our case distinction.
- $[x_m] > p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 0\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $[x_{m-1}] < p/2$ and $[x_{m-1}] = [x_m]/3$
- $[x_m] > p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 1\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $\color{red}?$ and $\color{red}?$
- $[x_m] > p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 2\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $\color{red}?$ and $\color{red}?$
- $[x_m] < p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 0\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $[x_{m-1}] < p/2$ and $[x_{m-1}] = [x_m]/3$
- $[x_m] < p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 1\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $\color{red}?$ and $\color{red}?$
- $[x_m] < p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 2\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $\color{red}?$ and $\color{red}?$
To make any progress, we have to assume that we know the value $p\pmod{3}$, W.l.o.g. we set $p \equiv 1\pmod{p}$, hence
- $[x_m] > p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 0\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $[x_{m-1}] < p/2$ and $[x_{m-1}] = [x_m]/3$
- $[x_m] > p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 1\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $\color{red}?$ and $[x_{m-1}] = ([x_m] + 2p)/3$
- $[x_m] > p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 2\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $\color{red}?$ and $[x_{m-1}] = ([x_m] + p)/3$
- $[x_m] < p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 0\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $[x_{m-1}] < p/2$ and $[x_{m-1}] = [x_m]/3$
- $[x_m] < p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 1\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $\color{red}?$ and $[x_{m-1}] = ([x_m] + 2p)/3$
- $[x_m] < p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 2\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $\color{red}?$ and $[x_{m-1}] = ([x_m] + p)/3$
What about point 3.? We again know that $[x_m] > p/2$ and $x_{m-1}]$ is obtained by $[x_{m-1}] = ([x_m] + p)/3$, hence we have $$[x_{m-1}] = ([x_m] + p)/3 = [x_m]/3 + p/3 > p/6 + 2p/6 = 3p/6 = p/2$$ So the question mark at 3. has to be replaced also with $[x_{m-1}] > p/2$.
What about point 5.? We have now the case that $[x_m] < p/2$. And $[x_{m-1}]$ is obtained by $[x_{m-1}] = ([x_m] + 2p)/3$, hence we have $$[x_{m-1}] = ([x_m] + 2p)/3 = [x_m]/3 + 2p/3 < p/6 + 4p/6 = 5p/6$$
Here we have a problem. We dont know if $[x_{m-1}]$ is smaller or larger than $p/2$. All the information we get is that it is smaller than $5p/6$.
For completness, what about point 6.? We have again the case that $[x_m] < p/2$. And $[x_{m-1}]$ is obtained by $[x_{m-1}] = ([x_m] + p)/3$, hence we have $$[x_{m-1}] = ([x_m] + p)/3 = [x_m]/3 + p/3 < p/6 + 2p/6 = p/2$$
Here we succeed and the questionmark at 6. has to be replaced with $[x_{m-1}] < p/2$.
- $[x_m] > p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 0\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $[x_{m-1}] < p/2$ and $[x_{m-1}] = [x_m]/3$
- $[x_m] > p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 1\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $[x_{m-1}] > p/2$ and $[x_{m-1}] = ([x_m] + 2p)/3$
- $[x_m] > p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 2\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $[x_{m-1}] > p/2$ and $[x_{m-1}] = ([x_m] + p)/3$
- $[x_m] < p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 0\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $[x_{m-1}] < p/2$ and $[x_{m-1}] = [x_m]/3$
- $[x_m] < p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 1\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $\color{red}?$ and $[x_{m-1}] = ([x_m] + 2p)/3$
- $[x_m] < p/2$ and $[x_m] \equiv 2\pmod{3}$, $\Rightarrow$ $[x_{m-1}] < p/2$ and $[x_{m-1}] = ([x_m] + p)/3$
It is not hard to imagine that this approach gets even worse if the ration $x_m/x_{m-1} > 3$ or is even in $\mathbb{Q}$. So probably this approach, dispite it is able to solve the named special case, does not generalize.
[1] Marten van Dijk; Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, and Vinod Vaikuntanathan (2009-12-11). "Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Integers" (PDF). International Association for Cryptologic Research. Retrieved 2010-03-18.
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