Thursday, March 22, 2018

LCS35 Challenge [SOLVED - April 2019]

LCS35 IS SOLVED. It had been confirmed that Bernard Fabrot solved the challenge using a Core i7-6700, the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library and 3,5 years of time.

The LCS35 challenge (see also Scienceblogs) is a neat little and still unsolved challenge posed by Ron Rivest, one of the inventors of the famous RSA cryptosystem, back in the year 1999. It consists of a single task: Given 2048-bit RSA integer $n$ and an exponent $t$, compute the following value $W$: $$W \equiv 2^{(2^t)}  \pmod{N}$$ The actual values for the challenge are:

n = 631446608307288889379935712613129233236329881833084137558899

t = 79685186856218

Additionally, there is an integer $z$, which has to be xor'ed with $W$ to reveal the actual 'plaintext', i.e.: $$\text{Plaintext} \leftarrow z \otimes W $$ The given value for $z$ is:

z = 427338526681239414707099486152541907807623930474842759553127

As written in [1], the plaintext consists of two parts. One is a secret message and the second part is a hint towards the factorisation of $n$, i.e., the exponent $E$, such that $\text{nextPrime}(5^E \text{ mod }2^{1024})$ is a divisor of $n$. They designed the challenge such that, even when considering Moore's Law, it will probably first be solved around the year 2035. The reason that this might probably be true is, that this problem is non parallelizable. It is a linear operation that only involves squaring the previous output. $$ (2^{2^0})^2 = 2^{(2^1)} \rightarrow (2^{(2^1)})^2 = 2^{(2^2)} \rightarrow (2^{(2^2)})^2 = 2^{(2^3)}\rightarrow \ldots \rightarrow (2^{(2^{t-1})})^2 = 2^{(2^t)}$$ It is compareable to the Proof-Of-Work method, modern crypto currency use to mine their coins. If the factorisation of $n$ is known, than this task would be very easy, even if $t$ would be much larger, say around the size of $n$. One simply computes $$2^t \equiv e \pmod{\varphi(n)}$$ and afterward $2^e \equiv W\pmod{N}$. Since $e < \varphi(n) < n$, this is of complexity $\mathcal{O}(\text{log}_2 n)$ and thus can be computed in milliseconds on modern PCs.

-- Some ideas --

⬛ Some remarkable fact is, that $2^{({2^t})}$ is nearly a Fermat number. The $n$-th Fermat number is defined as: $$F_n = 2^{({2^n})}+1$$ So the challenge could be rephrased to:
LCS35 (rephrased): Compute the t-th Fermat number modulo n.
Fermat numbers have some nice recursive properties. For example $$F_n = 2 + \prod^{n-1}_{i=1} F_i$$ or $$F_n = (F_{n-k} - 1)^{2^k} + 1 $$ Fermat numbers are an example for double exponential functions. And being double exponential seems to be the problem that denies a fast algorithm if the order of the group (here the multiplicative group generated by $2$ in the ring $\mathbb{Z}^*_n$) is unknown.

You can also bring Fermat number into the exponent if you write the challenge in the following way: $$t = 2^{e_m} + 2^{e_{m-1}} + \ldots + 2^{e_0}$$ then
$$2^{(2^t)} = 2^{(2^{2^{e_m} + 2^{e_{m-1}} + \ldots + 2^{e_0}})} = 2^{(2^{2^{e_m}}\cdot 2^{ 2^{e_{m-1}}}\cdot \ldots \cdot 2^{2^{e_0}})} = 2^{(F_{e_m}-1)(F_{e_{m-1}}-1)\ldots(F_{e_0}-1)}$$ Since the actual binary representation of $t$ is: $$t = 10010000111100100100111010000011010010100011010$$ the exponent becomes:
&(F_{46}-1)(F_{43}-1)(F_{38}-1)(F_{37}-1)(F_{36}-1)(F_{35}-1)(F_{32}-1)(F_{29}-1) \\
&(F_{26}-1)(F_{25}-1)(F_{24}-1)(F_{22}-1)(F_{16}-1)(F_{15}-1)(F_{13}-1)(F_{10}-1) \\
\end{align*} Since $$(F_n-1) = \sum^{2^d}_{i=0}\binom{2^d}{i}\left( \prod^{n-d-1}_{j=0} F_j\right)^i$$ and further $$\prod^{n-d-1}_{j=0} F_j = F_{n-d}-2$$ this can be written in a recursive way. For example, a three-step recursion for the largest exponent factor can be written as:
& (F_{46}-1)= \sum^{2^d}_{i=0}\binom{2^d}{i}\left( \prod^{n-d-1}_{j=0} F_j\right)^i \\ & = \sum^{2^d}_{i=0} \binom{2^d}{i}\left( F_{n-d} - 2 \right)^i \\
& = \sum^{2^d}_{i=0}\binom{2^d}{i}\left( -1 + \sum^{2^e}_{k=0}\binom{2^e}{k}\left( \prod^{n-d-e-1}_{l=0} F_l\right)^k \right)^i  \\
& = \sum^{2^d}_{i=0}\binom{2^d}{i}\left( -1 + \sum^{2^e}_{k=0}\binom{2^e}{k}\left( F_{n-d-e} - 2\right)^k \right)^i  \\
& = \sum^{2^d}_{i=0}\binom{2^d}{i}\left( -1 + \sum^{2^e}_{k=0}\binom{2^e}{k}\left( -1 + \sum^{2^f}_{m=0}\binom{2^f}{m}\left( \prod^{n-d-e-f-1}_{g=0} F_g\right)^m \right)^k \right)^i  \\
\end{align*} Let us assume that, e.g., $\prod^{16}_{g=0} F_g$ is the maximum product that can be computed reasonable fast (whatever this means). So we could chose $d=e=10$ and $f=9$ which leads to $$  \prod^{n-d-e-f-1}_{g=0} F_g = \prod^{46-10-10-9-1}_{g=0} F_g  = \prod^{16}_{g=0} F_g$$ The advantage is, that the binomial coefficients stay small compared to one large one-step with $\binom{2^{29}}{i}$. Using this values, we get:
& (F_{46}-1)=  \sum^{1024}_{i=0}\binom{1024}{i}\left( -1 + \sum^{1024}_{k=0}\binom{1024}{k}\left( -1 + \sum^{512}_{m=0}\binom{512}{m}\left( \prod^{16}_{g=0} F_g\right)^m \right)^k \right)^i
Just for test purposes, so far i computed $$2^{(F_{29}-1)(F_{26}-1)(F_{25}-1)(F_{24}-1)(F_{22}-1)(F_{16}-1)(F_{15}-1)(F_{13}-1)(F_{10}-1)(F_{8}-1)(F_{4}-1)(F_{3}-1)(F_{1}-1)} \equiv I \pmod{n} $$, hence it is left $$I^{(F_{46}-1)(F_{43}-1)(F_{38}-1)(F_{37}-1)(F_{36}-1)(F_{35}-1)(F_{32}-1)}\pmod{n}$$ which is obviously the way bigger part.

⬛ There are cases, even when the factorization of $n$ is unknown, it is possible to generate groups with known order, e.g., if one steps over to $n^2$. In this case one can compute efficiently $$(1+n\lambda)^{2^t} \pmod{n^2}$$ for any $\lambda \in \mathbb{Z}_n$ using the Binomial theorem. A fact which is also used by Paillier cryptosystem. But this does not bring anyone further to a computation of $$(2+n\lambda)^{2^t} \pmod{n^2}$$ but it may be a starting point for further ideas.

⬛ Another approach might be to use the computation of inverse elements in $\mathbb{Z}_n$. Note that when you compute the inverse of e.g., $2$ then this is $$2^{-1} \equiv 2^{\lambda\varphi(n)-1} \equiv 2^{B+x}\pmod{n}$$  with known $B$ and $B > x$ and any $\lambda \in \mathbb{Z}$. The $B$ comes from the inequalities $$2^{B} < \varphi(n) < n < 2^{B+1}$$
However, since $\varphi(n)$ is unknown, this might not lead to anything useful. And further, the computation of an inverse element is also of complexity $\mathcal{O}(\log_2 n)$, which is the same complexity as to compute $2^{B}$ itself, albeit it seems to be much more efficient in practice to compute the former than the later (so maybe the hidden constants differ).

⬛ According to the binomial theorem one could easily turn $2^t$ into a sum, since $$2^t = (1+1)^t = \sum^t_{i=0} \binom{t}{i} $$ So the challenge is equivalent to compute $$2^{\sum^t_{i=0} \binom{t}{i}} \equiv W \pmod{n}$$ This seems to look like a trivial way to parallize the problem, but the computational task to compute individual terms is almost as computational expensive than to compute the entire sum. Support may come from Ramus' Theorem, which is about arithmetic progressions of binomial coefficients.

Ramus' Theorem (1834).  Let $S(m,n,q) := \sum^{\lfloor m/n \rfloor}_{k=0} \binom{m}{nk+q}$ with $0 \leq q \leq n$ , then it is $$S(m,n,q) = \sum^n_{i=1}\omega^{-qi}(1+\omega^i)^m $$ where $\omega$ is the $n$-th root of unity.

Suppose you have $H$ computing units, than for each integer$0 \leq q < H$ the associated unit computes $$2^{\sum^{\lfloor t/H\rfloor}_k \binom{t}{Hk+q}} \equiv 2^{\sum^H_{k=1}\omega^{-qk}(1+\omega^k)^t} \pmod{n}$$ The problem is the exponent $t$ from $(1+\omega^k)^t$, where in this case $\omega$ is the $H$-th root of unity. For example, the $H$-th term in the sum $$\sum^H_{k=1}\omega^{-qk}(1+\omega^k)^t$$ is $$\omega^{-qH}(1+\omega^H)^t = \omega^{-qH}(1+\omega^H)^t = 2^t$$ which is already equal to the original problem. Note that is possible because $\omega$ is a complex value hence some previous terms can be negative.


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