Definition [De Bruijn sequence (binary)]. A binary string of length $2^n$ is called a De Bruijn sequence of order $n$ if each possible $n$-bit string occurs exactly once (incl. wrap-around) as a substring.
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Picture 1 - DeBruijn graph for n=3 |
Based on the definition of De Bruijn sequences it follows that each $n$-bit string is unique. Hence associated with De Bruijn sequences there is the following problem:
Definition [Decoding Problem]. Given a De Bruijn sequence of order $n$, called $S_n$, and a unique $n$-bit substring $s$, find the position of $s$ in $S_n$.
For some special structured De Bruijn sequences the Decoding Problem is efficiently solvable [2]. As mentioned above, $m$-sequences are De Bruijn sequence, that miss the all zero substring $0_n$ and are associated with LFSR which again are associated with discrete logarithms over GF($2^n$). Hence, one can ask the following question:
Q: Take the De Bruijn graph, e.g., from Picture 1, and do not walk along a Hamiltonian Cycle, but a shorter cycle. Then by definition of the De Bruijn graph one gets a sequence that also contains only unique $n$-bit substrings but not all of them. Is there something special about those sequences?
For example, one can walk along the graph from Picture 1 by forming the cycle $1,3,6,4,(1)$ which corresponds to the sequence $$0011$$ and has the corresponding unique substrings $$001,011,110,100$$ There are of course many such cycles in a given graph. And indeed, some of them are special and are called $l$-sequences. They have a special relationship to the (partial) Fermat quotient $q_p(2)$.
Definition [(Partial) Fermat Quotient]. Given a prime number $p$ and let $h$ be the multiplicative order of $2$ in $\mathbb{F}^*_p$, then $$q_p(2) = \frac{2^h-1}{p}$$
If $h=p-1$, i.e.,$2$ is a primitive root in $\mathbb{F}^*_p$, $q_p(2)$ is the usual Fermat Quotient otherwise it is the partial Fermat Quotient. The relationship is, that the binary representation of $q_p(2)$ is an $l$-sequence. The proof is actually not that complicated and the uniqueness of each $n$-bit substring comes from the fact, that each group in $\mathbb{F}^*_p$ contains only unique group elements and i used this relationship also in the paper [3] to link group elements to $p$-adic digit sums. Because some $l$-sequences are equal to a (partial) Fermat quotient gives those sequences a small linear complexity, i.e., you can write a very short "shortcut" for the $l$-sequence (namely $q_p(2)$) rather than writing all its digits one by one.
If $\mathbb{G}_2$ is the subgroup of $\mathbb{F}^*_p$ generated by $2$ and let $[n]$ be the set of all $n$-bit substring of the $l$-sequence $q_p(2)$, then we have an effiently computable function $$M_p: \mathbb{G}_2 \rightarrow [n] $$ with $$M_p: r \in \mathbb{G}_2 \rightarrow \text{Binary}(-rp^{-1}\;\text{mod}\;2^n)$$ for which also the inverse function is efficiently computable.
Example: $p=29$ then it is $$q_{29}(2) = \frac{2^{28}-1}{29}= 9.256.395$$ Then the binary representation of $q_{29}(2)$ is (prepended with zeros to reach a length of $h$) :$$ (*)\;\;\;0000100011010011110111001011$$ It is an order $5$ $l$-sequence of length $28$. It only misses the four substrings $$00000, 01010, 10101, 11111$$ Suppose the given discrete logarithm instance is $(29,21,2)$, i.e., $2^x \equiv 21\pmod{29}$ (The secret is $x=17$). Then $$M_{29}(21) \equiv -21\cdot{29}^{-1} \pmod{2^5} \equiv 7 = 00111_2$$ For $(29,19,2)$ (solution $x=9$) it is $$M_{29}(19) \equiv -19\cdot{29}^{-1} \pmod{2^5} \equiv 17 = 10001_2$$ As you can see from $(*)$, in the first case, the Decoding algorithm returns $12$ (starting from position $0$) and $12+5=17$ and in the second case, the Decoding algorithm returns $4$ and $4+5=9$ which are both the correct solutions.
There is a way to step from a cycle in a De Bruijn graph of order $n$ to a cycle in a De Bruin graph of order $n-1$. It is called Lempel's Homomorphism, see [3]. It is not restricted to De Bruijn sequences and hence can be applied even to short cycles, e.g., $l$-sequences.
Primitive. A bit string $S_n$ (the subscript $n$ refers to the bit length of unique substrings) is primitive if $S_n$ contains the $n$-bit substring $s$ but not the substring $\overline{s}$.
Self dual. A bit string $S_n$ is self dual if $\overline{S}_n$ is a cyclic shift $S_n$. If $S_n$ is self dual its length is always even.
Note that self dual also implies, that for each $n$-bit substring $s_i$ of $S_n$, $\overline{s}_i$ is also a substring of $S_n$.
Theorem A states that if you have a cycle in a De Bruijn graph of order $n$ you can find a cycle of the same length in a De Bruijn graph of order $n-1$. Note that this implies that the cycle length must be less or equal to $2^{n-1}$ since this is the longest possible cycle in a De Bruijn graph of order $n-1$.
Theorem B states a way to step down to a De Bruijn graph of smaller order and concurrently halve the length of the cycle. The relationship between self dual sequences and $q_p(2)$ is that self dual implies that the group element $-1$ is element of the group generated by $2$ in $\mathbb{F}^*_p$.
If one applies this two theorems to $l$-sequences that come from the binary representation of $q_p(2)$, can they be used to gain some knowledge about a given discrete logarithm problem in $\mathbb{F}^*_p$? It seems that the linear complexity of a given sequence increases exponentially when $\text{D}$ is applied, but are there some exceptions?
[1] Goresky and Klapper, Algebraic Shift Register Sequences, Cambridge University Press, 498 pages
[2] Chris J. Mitchell, Tuvi Etzion and Kenneth G. Paterson, A Method for Constructing Decodable de Bruijn Sequences, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 42, No. 5, 1996
[3] On a Homomorphism of the de Bruijn Graph and Its Applications to the Design of Feedback Shift Registers, Abraham Lempel, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-19, No. 12, 1970
[4] Christian Schridde, Computing discrete logarithms using $\mathcal{O}((log\;q)^2)$ operations from $\{+, -, \times,\div\, \&\}$, Groups Complexity Cryptology, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 91-107, 2016
The decoding problem of $l$-sequences of order $n$ is equal to solve the discrete logarithm in $\mathbb{F}^*_p$ to base $g=2$ for an $n$-bit prime number $p$.
Proof. The proof of the theorem is very short. Given a discrete logarithm instance $(p,r,g)$ (i.e. $g^x \equiv r\pmod{p}$) and given the $l$-sequence $L$ obtained from the binary representation of $(2^h-1)/p$, then $L$ always starts with $0_{n-1}1$. Then compute $t \leftarrow M_p(r)$ and solve the Decoding Problem by finding the position of $t$ in $L$ and the solution is $t+n$.■Example: $p=29$ then it is $$q_{29}(2) = \frac{2^{28}-1}{29}= 9.256.395$$ Then the binary representation of $q_{29}(2)$ is (prepended with zeros to reach a length of $h$) :$$ (*)\;\;\;0000100011010011110111001011$$ It is an order $5$ $l$-sequence of length $28$. It only misses the four substrings $$00000, 01010, 10101, 11111$$ Suppose the given discrete logarithm instance is $(29,21,2)$, i.e., $2^x \equiv 21\pmod{29}$ (The secret is $x=17$). Then $$M_{29}(21) \equiv -21\cdot{29}^{-1} \pmod{2^5} \equiv 7 = 00111_2$$ For $(29,19,2)$ (solution $x=9$) it is $$M_{29}(19) \equiv -19\cdot{29}^{-1} \pmod{2^5} \equiv 17 = 10001_2$$ As you can see from $(*)$, in the first case, the Decoding algorithm returns $12$ (starting from position $0$) and $12+5=17$ and in the second case, the Decoding algorithm returns $4$ and $4+5=9$ which are both the correct solutions.
Lempel's Homomorphism
There is a way to step from a cycle in a De Bruijn graph of order $n$ to a cycle in a De Bruin graph of order $n-1$. It is called Lempel's Homomorphism, see [3]. It is not restricted to De Bruijn sequences and hence can be applied even to short cycles, e.g., $l$-sequences.
Definition [Lempel's Homomorphism]. Let $S_n = b_0b_1b_2\ldots b_{n-1}$ and $S_{n-1} = \beta_0\beta_1\beta_2\ldots \beta_{n-2}$ two binary string of length $n$ and $n-1$ respectively. Then $$\text{D}: \{0,1\}^n \rightarrow \{0,1\}^{n-1}$$ with $$\text{D}(S_n) = S_{n-1}\;\text{with}\;\beta_i = b_i \oplus b_{i+1},\;\;i = 1,\ldots, n-1$$
We need some definitions before we can apply Lempel's Homomorphism. For a bit $b_i$ let $\overline{b}_i$ the inverse, i.e., $b_i = 0$, then $\overline{b}_i = 1$ and vice versa. If $S_n$ is a bitstring then $\overline{S}_n$ means that each bit is inverted. $S_n$ and $\overline{S}_n$ are said to be dual to each other.Primitive. A bit string $S_n$ (the subscript $n$ refers to the bit length of unique substrings) is primitive if $S_n$ contains the $n$-bit substring $s$ but not the substring $\overline{s}$.
Self dual. A bit string $S_n$ is self dual if $\overline{S}_n$ is a cyclic shift $S_n$. If $S_n$ is self dual its length is always even.
Note that self dual also implies, that for each $n$-bit substring $s_i$ of $S_n$, $\overline{s}_i$ is also a substring of $S_n$.
Then Lempel stated the following Theorems:
Theorem A. Given a bitstring $S_n$ that represents a cycle of length $k$ in a De Bruijn graph of order $n$, then $\text{D}(S_n)$ is a bitstring $S_{n-1}$ that represents a cycle of length $k$ in a De Bruijn graph of order $n-1$.
Theorem B. Given a bitstring $S_n$ that is self dual and represents a cycle of length $2m$ in a De Bruijn graph of order $n$, then $\text{D}(S_n)$ is a cycle of length $m$ in the De Bruijn graph of order $n-1$.
If one applies this two theorems to $l$-sequences that come from the binary representation of $q_p(2)$, can they be used to gain some knowledge about a given discrete logarithm problem in $\mathbb{F}^*_p$? It seems that the linear complexity of a given sequence increases exponentially when $\text{D}$ is applied, but are there some exceptions?
[1] Goresky and Klapper, Algebraic Shift Register Sequences, Cambridge University Press, 498 pages
[2] Chris J. Mitchell, Tuvi Etzion and Kenneth G. Paterson, A Method for Constructing Decodable de Bruijn Sequences, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 42, No. 5, 1996
[3] On a Homomorphism of the de Bruijn Graph and Its Applications to the Design of Feedback Shift Registers, Abraham Lempel, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-19, No. 12, 1970
[4] Christian Schridde, Computing discrete logarithms using $\mathcal{O}((log\;q)^2)$ operations from $\{+, -, \times,\div\, \&\}$, Groups Complexity Cryptology, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 91-107, 2016
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